
澳门新葡京网址是一所天主教学院, 本笃会的 college that offers a world-class education to students from all backgrounds. Our students learn the skills and pursue the deeper truths to live a better, more successful life.


从90多个学习项目中选择, 包括9个研究生项目, 找到一个与你的激情相匹配的领域. 在核心课程上超越你的专业, learning the foundational values and wisdom informed by our Catholic, 本笃会的, 以及文科教育方法. And if you’re not sure what to study, we can help you explore until you learn what you love.


圣文森特的教育远远超出了课堂. Here, you’ll learn in and around campus while expanding your world. 与此同时, our connections to the oldest Monastery in the United States ground all of us in the deeper truths that make us human and connect us to a higher purpose.


In addition to being one of the most beloved figures in the history of children’s television, 弗雷德·罗杰斯是澳门新葡京网址的密友. 今天, the 弗雷德罗杰斯研究所 carries on his legacy in the Fred Rogers Center, 就在校园里.

The Institute is home to one of our honors communities, the 弗雷德·罗杰斯学者. It also hosts Incubator 143, a research and development lab for undergraduate and graduate students. Beyond students, you can find the Fred Rogers Archive along with a permanent exhibit of Mr. 罗杰斯的生活和工作, while projects like the Educators’ Neighborhood and an annual Conference bring his work and legacy to the broader community.



就在校园街对面, the Winnie Palmer Nature reserve allows students to explore nature, 放松地散步, or put their environmental education and science learnings into action. The 50-acre reserve is filled with more than two miles of trails, 梅多斯, 花园, 环境学习谷仓, 历史悠久的Lochry Blockhouse, 一个池塘, 和更多的.

该保护区最初是为了纪念温妮·帕尔默而建立的, the late wife of renowned golfer Arnold Palmer and a strong part of our community. 今天, it is a popular spot for not just our students, but members of the local community as well.



Imagine a scholarly community that values your personal life as much as your academic life. 如果, 通过这种方法, six distinct honors programs were integrated into one tightly knit honors community?

Welcome to the 荣誉社区 at Saint Vincent College – an intellectual community of high-achieving students who aim to put their skills to use in the real world. 项目包括我们的奥勒留学者, 弗雷德·罗杰斯学者, 一步的学者, 威默学者, 本笃会领导力研究, 及荣誉学者. 从丰富的经验到经济援助, 每一门课程都旨在帮助我们的学生取得成功.



澳门新葡京网址坐落在市中心 月桂高地, surrounded by some of the most beautiful nature Pennsylvania has to offer. 仍然湖泊, 滑雪胜地, 健行步道, and state parks are just a short drive away from campus and a regular destination for College-led student trips.

我们邻近的城市是 拉筹伯, the birthplace of both professional football and the banana split. Here, you’ll find restaurants, boutique stores, and coffee shops. 往西走几分钟, the city of Greensburg has even more shopping opportunities and eateries and of course, 熙熙攘攘的 匹兹堡市 不到一小时的车程吗.



Make your college education a springboard to exploring the world. Every year, nearly 100 students study abroad in more than 10 global locations. You can also take credit-eligible courses with professors that incorporate learning outcomes directly into guided study abroad trips such as 本笃会的 Mission Trips to Senegal, 爱尔兰文学之旅, 以及在葡萄牙的领导经验.

Our partnerships with faith-based communities worldwide can broaden your horizon during study abroad and international service trips. Immerse yourself in another culture while fostering meaningful connections to explore not only what is unique about other cultures, 同时也是我们人类经历中普遍存在的.

St. 彼得大教堂


Saint Vincent College and Monastery were founded in 1846 by Boniface Wimmer, 一位致力于教育该地区移民的德国修道士. 今天, 圣文森特拱门 has grown to become one of the largest monasteries in the world, and its impact is still felt every day by the college it sponsors.

本笃会的 monks teach as professors and work in in offices across campus, 从我们的会长保罗·泰勒神父到我们的 校园部 马西米兰·麦克斯韦尔神父. 他们体现了本笃会的价值观,比如社区, 谦卑, and love of Christ and neighbor that drove Boniface Wimmer on his mission to America.

